
Meet the Executive Board

Meet the Executive Board

Meet the Executive Board! Name: Rachel O’Neill DJ Name: lil sprout Name/Time of show: Gardening Tips/Wednesday 5PM-6PM EB Position: Station Manager Position responsibilities: Recognized as head of station, ensures that the station runs smoothly, maintains close ...

Social Media Director

November 8th, 2016

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Meet the Executive Board

Meet the Executive Board

Name: Eli Coretti DJ Name: DJ honeymuffin Name/Time of show: Everything, Except Country/Thursday 6PM-8PM EB Position: Public Relations Director Position responsibilities: Work to improve WRUV’s image and heighten awareness of the station, compile Public Service ...

Social Media Director

October 31st, 2016

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Meet the Executive Board

Meet the Executive Board

Name: Michael Mendelson DJ Name: Pancakes Name/Time of show: Snack Time/Tuesday’s 6-8pm EB Position: Business Director Position responsibilities: Oversee the financial activities of the station to ensure proper allocation of all available funds. Responsible for ...

Social Media Director

September 21st, 2016

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