
Meet the Executive Board

Meet the Executive Board

Name: Eli Coretti

DJ Name: DJ honeymuffin

Name/Time of show: Everything, Except Country/Thursday 6PM-8PM

EB Position: Public Relations Director

Position responsibilities: Work to improve WRUV’s image and heighten awareness of the station, compile Public Service Announcements at the beginning of each semester, promote important due dates such as DJ Training, show sign-ups, and show request forms to DJs and community.

Q: What brought you to WRUV?
A: I joined WRUV as a way to find new music and expose Vermonters to some of the stuff I listen to, aside from dog barking tracks and elephant choruses which is the norm here.

Q: Why did you join the executive board?
A: Initially, I joined as music director but realized I just liked the music to listen to while drafting emails and drawing stuff, so I moved to Public Relations and am now living the dream.

Q: What is your favourite part about your job?
A: It’s really fun to email people and get responses.

Q: What has WRUV done for you?
A: WRUV has given me pizza, concert tickets, and a hands-on experience that I can apply to other areas of my life.

Q: What type of music do you play?
A: I play anything and everything, as long as the Reptilians approve.

Q: Does pineapple go on pizza?
A: It’s better than olives.

Social Media Director

October 31st, 2016

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